1976-1977 Yearbook

In standpoints of experience, preparation and size, the Bible Department enjoyed its strongest year. There were 17 full-time teachers and three part-ti me teachers in the department. Two workshops for preachers were conducted in the summer of 1976. Because of the demand this was the second time such workshop were offered. Approximately 140 preachers from 25 states and Canada attended. In August, 1976, 375 people from 21 states attended the three day workshops held for elders, preachers and wives of elders and preachers. Bible, Biblical Languages and Missions were held by 231 students as their majors. Some Bible majors pursued a degree in nursing in order to serve as medical missionaries in foreign nations. The annual fall retreat for Bible majors was held at the Wyldewood retreat center and was well received. "Count It All Joy" was the Oct. 1215 lectureship theme. Campaigns continued to play a vital role in the work of the Bible Department. Campaigns Northeast and Northwest, May Campaigns and International Campaigns involved approximately 480 students and resulted in 204 baptisms. Plans were made during the year to launch Campaigns Southeast in the near future. '