_ELEMENTARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1. SAFETY PATROL. FIRST ROW: Spearman, Rowan, Story, Britton, Fox. SECOND ROW: Carter, Rozzell, Loftin, Pittman, Kelley, Smith, Grow. THIRD ROW: Curry, Ozbirn, Coker, K. Jones, Bailey, Lauen. FOURTH ROW: Alexander, Shirley, Higginbotham, A. Jones, Gould. FIFTH ROW: Anderson, Woodroof, Woody. 2. FIFTH GRADE. FIRST ROW: Ballinger, Clevenger, Crouch, Bailey, Barden, Davis. SECO D ROW: Barrett, Cox, Bridges, Reynolds, Underwood, Priest, Smith. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Helsten, Daughety, Allen, Banks, Thomas, Barnes, Corbin, Treat, Adcox. 3. KITTEN CLUB. FIRST ROW: Barrett, Priest. SECOND ROW: Cox, Reynolds, Underwood. THIRD 354 - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROW: Carter, Bridges, Gould. 4. CHEERLEADERS. FIRST ROW: Loftin, Woodroof, Woody. · SECOND ROW: Tate, Jones, Alexander, Higginbotham, Rozzell, Coker. THIRD ROW: Pittman, Smith, Shirley, Grow. 5. PEE WEE FOOTBALL. FIRST ROW: Treat, Corbin, Thomas, Allen, Barden, Bailey, Branch, Hopper, Dobbins, Barnes. SECOND ROW: Anderson, Banks, Ballinger, Fox, Davis, Burks, G. Henderson, Reynolds, Clevenger, Spearman. THIRD ROW: Story, Fox, Daughety, Smith, Kelley, Currey, Britton, Rowan, White, Smith. FOURTH ROW: Holder, Asst., Richmond, Coach. 6. WANTING his answer to be correct, Shannon Romine takes time-out to ponder his lessons. 7. RACHEL WOODROOF listens contently to her teacher during class. 8. GREG BARDEN concentrates on improving his reading skills with SRA. 9. DEBBIE HENDON creates a stick house in art class. 10. ENJOYING art class is first grader Mary Washington. 11. UTILIZING her time, Christine Woody catches up on her reading. 12. SIXTH GRADE. FIRST ROW: Lauen, Kelley, Bailey, Ozbirn, Jones, Pledger, Curry, Spearman, Anderson, Story, Fox. SECOND ROW: White, Loftin, Woodroof, Rozzell, Shirley, Smith, Jones, Tate, Rowan, Britton. THIRD ROW: Gould, Grow, Carter, Pittman, Alexander, Higginbotham, Coker, Woody, Mrs. Alexander.