1. WAITING patiently for his picture to be taken is Doug Elliott. 2. THIRD GRADE. FIRST ROW: Richey, Slatton, Altman, Taylor. SECOND ROW: Thomas, Mackey, House, Smith, Rowan, Farrar. THIRD ROW: Carter, Barrett, Underwood, Norwood, Tate, Corder, Elliott, Tate. FOURTH ROW:Lenderman, Mrs. Lawson, Flippin, Winter, Bolding, Kilman, Olree, White. 3. JUST having run across Harding Park, some of the fourth grade boys take a rest. 4. RS. HENRY instructs one of her music classes. 5. FIRST GRADE. FIRST ROW: Flippin, Bohannon, Roberts, Fox, Laird, Higbee. Romine. SECO D ROW: Mrs. Blue, Johnson, James. Washinoton. Tate. Corder, England, Angel. 6. KELLEY VAUGHN and Martha Washington enjoy part of their recess on the monkey bars. 7. FOURTH GRADE. FIRST ROW: Hopper, Smith, Reynolds, G. Henderson, Throckmorton, V. Henderson, Branch, Dobbins, Fox, Burks. SECOND ROW: McDonald, Hendon, Jones, Campbell, Curry, England. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Sears. 8. LU NCH is considered one of the best periods of the day as depicted by second grader Fred Choate. 9. SECOND GRADE. FIRST ROW: Smith, Olree, Hopper. SECOND ROW: Cook, Eads, Ballinger, Carter, Griffin, Bolding, Throckmorton, Jones, Woodson, Choate, ELEMENTARY--- Vaughn, Higt<>i:: Hd'),nes, Mackey. THIRD ROW: ti. cGaha s~-den, arnard, Citty, Treat, Cox, Ma ~e~. ...i h ty, Mrs. Alston, Mrs. Baugh, Henderso,,, Rozzell, Diles, Isom, Hendon, Lloyd, Cox, Montgomery, Olree. 10. JANA REYNOLDS. 11. MELISSA LLOYD. 12. MARY WASHINGTON. 13. ANITA COt<'ER. 14. SCOTT BALLINGER centers ~-: hcughts of drawing the perfect picture. S ME Pee Wee Cheerleaders enr:: :...;t,cally lead their fans at a football ·=· 16. TRANSFERRING his thoughts .. 1 :.:, ,,r,tions, Rondale Higbee works in art : J:::: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - 353