Character built by lntramurals "Learning to get along with others and self-control, two very necessary Christian virtues, can be developed in no better situation than the intramural program," stated Cecil Beck, Director of men's intramurals since 1953. "Just seeing the boys develop is my reward," he further said of those fouryear phenomenons who come in as freshman having never played sports before, but who become quite skilled by the time of graduation. A chapter of Sigma Delta Psi, national honorary athletic fraternity, was organized in 1957 to promote the physical, mental, and moral development of college men with Beck as the faculty patron. A unique feature of the Harding program has been the extensive club participation which Beck reinstated. His emphasis upon good sportsmanship, his strict enforcement of the rufes outlined in the guidebook on men's intramural sports, his dedication and his untiring effort in maintaining facilities have developed the program into one of the outstanding intramural programs in the country with more than 85 per cent of the men participating. In interclub competition during 1975-76, winners of the club all-sports 250 - INTRAMURAL$ trophy for the highest number of points accumulated were Alpha Tau in big club A, Theta Tau in small club A, Alpha Tau and Galaxy in a tie in big club B, and Lambda Sigma in small club B. Alpha Tau received the Sportsmanship Award. At the time that the yearbook went to press, championships had been decided in three sports. In football, Sub-T won both A and B divisions in the big club category, while Theta Tau won both A and B divisions in the small club category. In softball, TNT won big club A, Alpha Tau won big club B, Theta Tau won small club A, and Lambda Sigma won small club B. In volleyball, Alpha Tau won both A and B in big club competition while Theta Tau won both A and 8 in small club activity. To promote participation throughout the year, intramural jackets and other awards were presented to those accumulating the highest number of points. The intramural athlete of the year for 1976 was Don Phillips. This award involved sportsmanship as well as points earned. Steve Spillman received the intramural spirit award and Thur! Noonkester was the intramural sports skills winner.