1976-1977 Yearbook

Celsor. Flatt win events in championship RIC track me Starting indoors in February, the Bison track team was victorious in its first spring outing, winning the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference Invitational Track Meet with 79 2/3 points. Senior Greg Blake established a new indoor school record of 48-0 in the triple jump in the meet that inaugurated the state's only indoor track housed in Harding's $3 million physical education-athletic center. Steve Celsor, a senior, won the high jump wrth 6-8, and sophomore Steve Flatt placed first in the shot put with a heave of 47-5 3/4. Former Bison track star and All-American Cliff Clark ran in a special two-mile event. In the Pre-AIC Relays March 26 at Magnolia, Joe Shepherd won the steeplechase event in 9:24.8, followed by Marshall Grate in second place. Harding swept the three-mile event with Grate taking the race in 15:15. Kent Johnson and Mark Galeazzi placed second and third. In April the Bisons ran in the Arkansas State University invrtational meet in Jonesboro and won Memphis' Southwestern Invitational meet with 244-TRACK 115 points, and defeated Principa, Washington University and Southwestern at Memphis. Harding's tracksters finished in fourth place in the AIC in 1976. The majority of the Bisons' points were totaled up by first place finishers Celsor and Flatt and by sprinter Daryl Bassett. Celsor high jumped 6-10, breaking his own AIC record of 6-8 1/2, and Flatt threw the shot 48-7. Bassett finished second in the 100-yard dash with a time of rn.o and placed third in the 220-yard dash. The Bisons qualified Celsor for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics national meet in Arkadelphia, along with runners Shepherd, 3,000meter steeplechase; Grate, 5,000meter run; and Pat Cronin, marathon. At the NAIA nationals, Jim Crawford, a 1970 graduate of Harding and four-year letterman in track and cross country, was inducted into the NAIA Track and Field Hall of Fame. Crawford was the first Arkansas collegian to run a sub-four minute mile - a 3:59.6 in the 1970 California Relays.