Queen - Joretta Link Alpha Omega A cookout and skating party with sister club, Delta Chi, was the beginning of another great year for Alpha Omega. The members of the club actively participated in football, baseball, volleyball and many other sports. They traveled to Benton, Arkansas and took part in a door knocking campaign with their sister club. Earlier in the year, club members helped construct a float for the Homecoming parade and won second place in float competition. "The Joke's on You" was selected as their Spring Sing theme and added some humor to the program. Conway, Arkansas was the setting for the annual Spring Banquet which brought to an end another enjoyable and successful year. 1. Baker 2. Brickman 3. Pierce 4. Steiger 5. Phillips 6. North 7. Hammond 8. Harper 9. Kimmel 10. Johnston 11. McLain 12. Haase 13. Deason 14. Ban ston 15. Piwowarski 16. McCain 17. Mullinas 18. Mowbray 19. Wilson 20. Powell 21. Berry 22. Sides 23. Taylor 24. Gamer 25. Guiden 26. Jemigen Z'l. Wenner 28. Perry 29. Pradzynski 3>. Kelley 31. Clayton 32. Sharp 33. Riley 34. Mclean 35. Mccasland 36. Piller 37. Brewer 38. Porter 39. Tucker 40. Franke 41. Hull 42. Pirtle 43. Parker 44. Bowman 45. Allcock 46. Thompson 47. Thoburn 48. Ellis.