1976-1977 Yearbook

Beaux - Steve Celsor, Tim Fish, Philip Peacock Delta Theta Members of Delta Theta enjoyed many devotionals together which helped strengthen the bond of unity that already existed. The girls worked throughout the fall semester on Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for the elderly people of Searcy and held their Christmas party at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Carole Isom. The girls actively participated in basketball, softball and volleyball. The Spring Sing theme of "Sisters" was exemplified by the closeness of the members. Centering around "An Old Fashion Love Song" the girls enjoyed their spring banquet at Big Daddy's in Batesville. 1. Booth 2. Russell 3. Hickey 4. Brittain 5. Kuhn 6. Hanks 7. Murphy 8. Hall 9. Creech 10. Fish 11. Kennedy 12. Lay 13. Ward 14. McVey 15. Brazell 16. Brown 17. Tate, sponsor DELTA THETA EPSILON - 207