1976-1977 Yearbook

TAG Married students, composing the social club Theta Alpha Gamma, enjoyed many outings together. In the fall a dinner was held at Mr. Sirloin and another was held at Pizza Hut. They actively participated in men's and women's bowling and volleyball and won first place in the Homecoming parade for club float. The members of TAG held a garage sale and ended another upbuilding year with their spring banquet. 1. C. Leonard 2. V. Jacoby 3. L. King 4. M. Turner 5. R. Matthews 6. R. Leonard 7. M. Ballard 8. K. Purdom 9. B. Wells 10. D. Scott 11. S. Barber 12. Margaret Emberson 13. Mandy Emberson 14. B. Stenzel 15. J. Ballard 16. P. Hardin 17. B. Wilson 18. C. Hughes 19. H. Leonard 20. D. Matthews 21. G. Turner 22. R. King 23. J. Carr 24. S. Carr 25. S. Hughes 26. S. Hardin "D. E. Wilson 28. S. Stenzel 29. M. Purdom 30. J. Emberson 31. S. Barber 32. R. Scott 33. C. Wells 206 - THETA ALPHA GAMMA Enjoying the Valentine Banquet, Mauri and Ballard fellowship with other TAG mamba