1976-1977 Yearbook

194 King's Men Beginning the year with a skating party, King's Men invited th?ir si~ter club, OEGE, to join in the fun. The two clubs also worke? on Spring Sm~ together and gave their production the theme, "Devils and Angels. Besides being active in the usual sports, King's Men also took time out for swimming and track and field intramurals. Their B team in footb~II wo~k~d hard to capture second place while their D team took the chan:ip1onsh1p m volleyball. The club's spring banquet was held at the Hohd~y Inn .at Jacksonville in the appropriately named King's Inn. As a special service project, the members visited their "foster parents" ~ach week and presented the couple with a lamp for their home at Christmas. Th~ cl~b took time out to take dates to Camp Tahkodah on an all day excursion m March. The day was ended by the officers serving the guests a formal dinner. During spring break, King's Men went on campaigns to Athens, Ohio. to help spread the gospel. 1. Kelly 2. Atterberry 3. Conner 4. Fish 5. D. Hudson 6. Clay 7. Hicks 8. Mela~ 9. Woodroof 10. Sears 11. Gentry 12. Cloninger 13. Johnson 14. Barnes 15. Sherrill )6. Durham 17. Nall 18. D. Adams 19. Jensen 20. M. Hudson 21. Nordstrom 22. White, sponsor 23. Visalli 24. Moorer 25. Walker 26. Hurtt 27. Fernandez 28. McDonough 29. Riley 30. Mike Brasher 31. Emerson 32. Winnett 33. Studebaker 34. Solomon 35. Clement 36. Lindsey 37. Mark Brasher 38. Gilliam 39. Tankersley _40. Brandon 41. Garrett 42. Symanowitz 43. Collier 44. Lane 45. Cochran 46. Hunt 47. Kimmel 48. Jones 49. Babb 50. Gallahev 51. R. Adams 52. Pate. Queen - Twiggy Hiteman