1976-1977 Yearbook

Queens - Nancy Florence, Jody Baker Sigma Tau The 1976-77 school year was one of continued growth for Sigma Tau Sigma, exemplified by the adoption of Omega Phi as their sister club. Members enjoyed all the fall semester sports and earned upset second-place finishes in "A" and "B" team volleyball. Both Sigma Tau and Omega Phi had 100 percent participation in the SA Christmas Toy and Dolly drive. Enthusiasm carried over into the spring semester, traditionally the club's better sports semester. Members enjoyed a skating party and devotional with Omega Phi in February, and March saw the club banquet at the Conway Ramada Inn. Participation with Omega Phi in April included the production of their Spring Sing show, "Quacking Up," and a bowling party. 1. Williams 2. Turner 3. Johnson 4. Zakrevsky 5. Gambill 6. Stephens 7. Allen 8. Shepherd 9. Hostetler 10. Nelson 11. Betts 12. Weida 13. Raney 14. Hatridge 15. Kee 16. McClelen 17. Bontrager 18. Smith 19. Reynolds 20. Bonner 21. McKinney. SIGMA TAU SIGMA - 181