1976-1977 Yearbook

Ken Dowdy Ken Dowdy's mellow tenor voice contributed to the success of Spring Sing, which he served as a host for two years. A biology major living in Searcy, he served as Ko Jo Kai's beau as a sophomore and was president of TNT as a senior. A member of the A Cappella Chrous for two years, he also participated in A Tempo, Campus Players and Spelunkers. 166 - wHcjs WHO Ron Frey An active campaigner, Ron Frey went on Northeast Campaigns three years, International Campaigns one year and Spring Break Campaigns three years. A Bible and political science major from Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ron was a participant in Knights social cl . Inheritance editor his junior year, Ron received a Hammon Scholarship as a senior. He belonged to American Studies, Alpha Chi, Conquerors, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Alpha Theta and Psi Chi. He sang with the Chorale two years and was in Campus Players, Dactylology, Behavioral Science club, Timothy club and SNEA in his underclassman years. He served on the KHCA staff and showed his concern for others by being a Big Brother. Diane Goodspeed Receiving membership in Alpha Chi as a senior, Diane Goodspeed was an accounting major from Jacksonville, Florida. She served her sisters in Kappa Kappa Kappa as president as a sophomore and was an SA representative as a junior. She belonged to American Studies, Circle K, JOY and went on lnternat~onal Campaigns. Julie Grobmyer Campaigns were an important part of Julie Grobmyer's time as she went on International Campaigns three years, May Campaigns one year and Spring Break Campaigns two years. From Russellville, Arkansas, she was an elementary education major and was student body secretary. Her sisters in Kirei Na Ai chose her as their vicepresident. She played intramurals, was a Resident Assistant and belonged to Civitans, SNEA, Womens Dorm Council and World Evangelism Forum. In previous years she was a member of the Recording Chorus, Chorale and had been a Big Sister. Linda Hare Unda Hare of Wiener Neustadt, Austria, displayed her artistic talents by designing th cover of Searcy's bicentennial history book An art major, she belonged to the Art Guil and art honor society Kappa Pi. Christia service was also one of her goals as sh belonged to Austrian Campaigns, the Worl Evangelism Forum, Manna and was a Bi Sister. Linda also was a member of SNEA, Kappa Delta Pi and Beta Tau Gamma socia club.