1976-1977 Yearbook

IHDkl Frey - Bible & Political Science Cllartes Gana - Bible S.u- Gates - Special Education Manila GU.on - Physical Education .htcllll · Glaie - Biblical Languages loltert Glower - Religious Education P p GN4I - Chemistry 0... Goocls,-1 - Accounting Manltall Graft - American Studies ....,_Haailtotl-Art 1 ..... t11 Haaltoll - Accounting h• H .., - Accounting Gary H••• - Bible Stephen Hawley - History Cllartes Hilklt - General Science ••cca Hinkle - Vocational Home Economics .._,. Hoffaan - French Jeffrey JadrSH - Nursing Jennifer Jacboa - Business Education MkllNI Jolllll - Accounting Ja J01111 - rsing laryw J_.. - Psychology & Elementary Education DaYNI - Business Administration llrll - Art Noey 1,.,. - rsing Cllriatilla 1• - Accounting s..t l"Jk...._. - Elementary Education JaaN Lackie - Accounting I.any Lale - Accounting Ellultetll DaYil LH - Nursing Harry Lu - Business Administration CatlllN■ L - Vocational Home Economics Dale Lilltt - Bible T ,. LOIII - Elementary Education Ly• McCarty - Nursing Gretory Mce.w. - Chemistry Cnit MeDelHI - General Science 1... Mcfan - Elementary Education 1. DEMONSTRATING the academic efforts needed to achieve membership in Alpha Chi, Dale Linge makes use of the library's facilities. 2. ALPHA CHI sponsors Ors. Don England, Joseph Pryor, and Neale Pryor conduct candlelight initiation ceremonies. ALPHA CHI - 161