1976-1977 Yearbook

Attendants Mary Lee Burcham Mary Lee Burcham hails from Kennett, Missouri. A senior music education major, Mary Lee is a member of the Regina social club. She is listed in Who's Who, plays in the band and is a lovely feature of the A Cappella Chorus. MayQgeen Kathy Florence Midst the beauty of spring, Ju Go Ju social club sponsored the annual May Fete activities climaxed by the winding of the maypoles and the crowning of the new queen. Receiving a crown of flowers, Kathy Florence reigned as the 19n May Queen. Kathy is a junior nursing major from Worthington, Ohio. A member of Ko Jo Kai social club, Kathy was a Bison cheerleader as a sophomore. 156 - MAY FETE ROYAL TY