1975-1976 Yearbook

HINDS, JAMES. Jonesboro, AI. Social Science. Transfer from Crowley's Ridge College. American Studies 3, 4; Debate Team 3; Phi Alpha Theta 4; Young Republicans 3, 4; Pi Kappa Delta 3, 4. HOFFMAN, BARBARA. Paner, CO. French. HOGGARD, PENNY. N. LiHie Rock, AI. Home Economics. Gata 1, 2, 3, 4; AHEA 1; Big Sisters 3; May Campaigns 2, 3; JOY 2, 3, 4; WSRO 4; Conquerors 2. HOLCOMB, ANNA. Mobile, AL. History. Transfer from FreedHardeman College. WHC 3, 4, Sec. 3; May Fete Royalty 3; SNEA 1, 2. ON FRIENDS: I have so many friends, one for each corner of my mind. One, a friend, because we share the splendor of a sad book and sweet music: another because we understand the job of junk and the pleasantries of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; still more for the discussing the progress of our plants over a cup of hot tea, Such a rainbow of friends , sharing se parate jobs , our complexities merged, transforming the "becauses" into " anyways" through the simple unifying strength of Jesus. -Kim Choate AFTER supper, Seniors Vonica Clary and Debbie Wood make friends with an unsuspecting sophomore. HOLLIMAN, THOMAS. Tucker, GA. Finance. TNT 1,2, 3, 4. HOLLOWAY, RANDAL. Griffithville, AI. Psychology. Sigma Tau Sigma 1, 2, 3, 4. HOonN, KATHY. Olios, TX. Elementary EducatIOn . Transfer from Abilene Christian College Metrocenter. Tofebt 2, 3, 4, Treas. • ; SNEA 4. HORSMAN, MARILYN. FI~nce, AL. English. Tofebt 2, 3, 4; Alpha Chi 3, 4; Who's Who.; Big Sisters 2, 3; French Club 3, 4; JOY 2; Kappa Delta pj 4; Sigma Tau Delta 2, 3, 4, Pres.•; SNEA 3, 4. HOlTON, WELMA. Longview. TX. Office Administration. Kappa Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorale 1; Recording Chorus 1. HOWELL, MELINDA. Ft. Worth, TX. Special Education . Phi Delta 1, 2, 3,4, V. Pres. 3; May Fete Royolty 3; Big Sisters 4; Brazil Campaigns 3, . ; JOY 1, 2, 3, 4; SHEA 3, .; Intramurals 2. HUBBARD, JUDITH. Richmond, VA. Home Economics. HUn, WANDA. Amogon, AI. Social Science. Transfer from Crawley' s Ridge College. Alpha Chi 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi 4; Phi Alpha Theta 3, .; Young Republicans 4. HUGHES, PEGGY. Bay City, TX. Nursing. HURST, DEBOIAH. Knouine, TN. Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon College. Delta Theta Epsilon 4; European Campaign 2; May Campaigns 3; Spring Break Campaign 4. Firemarshal 3; JOY 4. HUTCHISON, HARRY. Memphis, TN. Accounting . Sub-T 16 1, 2,3,4. IJAMS, DAVID. Memphis, TN. General Science. Mohican 1, 2, 3, . ; Kappa Phi Beau 3, 4. 92 / SENIORS