1975-1976 Yearbook

I Annie ' is autumn musical; performed for capacity crowds "Anything you can do I can do better ," argued Frank Butler (Tom Lawson) and Annie Oakley (Pam Pau!) in one of the noted songs from this year's homecoming musical. "Annie Get Your Gun" played to delighted audiences the four evenings of homecoming weekend November 5-8. The western show featured an amazing Indian torch dance. "The Cherry Orchard" played in the Little Theatre February 19-21, 23 and 24. The story of the play concerned the close of the czarist era in Russia and its effects upon a once-wealthy noble family. "Spring Sing 76" was presented during the annual Youth Forum. Social Clubs and hosts and hostesses put in many hours of practice and received their much deserved rewards with applause from the overflow crowds and trophies for the winning clubs. PRODUCTIONS / 65