1975-1976 Yearbook

Franklyn Hcry••• M.L.S. Theodon lloyd. M.S. """'.OI.... ld.D. Periodicals Librarian Associate Professor Professor Physical Education Physical Education liehard Johnson, M.Ed. Wilton Martin. M.A.T. John Proa, M.T. Instructor Physical Education Assistant Professor Associate Professor Physical Education Physical Education Wyatt Jone., Ed.D. Jerry Mote. M.A.T. Arnold Py.... M.A. Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Educotion Physical Education Physical Education Marion. Ryan, M.A.T. Assistant Professor Physical Education Edward Sewell, Ph.D. Professor Education Suzanne Spurrier, M.A. Cataloging Librarian Phil WClfkins, M.ld. Instructor Physical Education Betty Watson, M.A. Assistant Professor Elementary Education Mun.y Wilson, M.S. Assistant Professor Elementary Education 1. ATIENTIVELY listening to the lecturer at the August Conference, Phil Watkins. Jess Bucy. and Ted Altman prepare for the coming year. 2. DR. HARRY OLREE. Director of Research, talks with staff members about the new physical education equipment. 3. DURING intermission at their concert, Travis Cox and Mrs. Bill White retreat backstage to prepare for the second half. 4. DISCUSSING the advantages of their new pool, Coach Pylkas and swim team tour the new facilities. 5. MAKING additions to the card files, Mrs. Dykes copies call numbers. EDUCATION / 39