1. SORTING laundry, Paul Fike and Soei Bong tend to a weekly chore. 2. ENJOYING a steak dinner, Pattie Cobb girls Lynn Turman , Patti Chastain, Barbara Bingham, Ede Scbmaling, and Peggy Walters eat by candlelight. 3. LATE-NIGHT pop corn makes a bedtime snack for Lvnn Williams. 4. DIPPING ice cream at the S.A.'s mixer, Brenda Picker works diligently. 5. ROOK player Bud Banks receives unexpected assistance from Cindy Allen as his opponents plan their own strategy. 6. AFTER-SCHOOL worker Eddie Gentry replaces a burned out light bulb. 7. LOOKING for a book to report on, Ricky Reynolds checks in the card catalogue .