1975-1976 Yearbook

Lois Lawson (Isle lynn Elementary English MaHie Sue Sean Dortfwa Shirley Elementary English Curriculum expands with fall installation of computer terminal Expanding its curriculum, the Academy added courses in office practice and computer programming. The compact courses on programming in 'BASIC computer language, integrated into physics and upper-level math classes, began after a cathode ray tube terminal was connected with the college's central digital computer. With just under half possessing masters degr~es in their fields , the Academy bo'asted a faculty highly qualified to teach. Instructors in speech . business, and the sciences trained students for competition :in forensics at Harding College and in typing, math , physics, and chemistry at Arkansas State University. 1. DRESSED for Halloween, Patti Williams, Tony Felker, and Cathy Vernon entertain the elementary classes. 2. PREPARING a backdrop, Nancy Pierce and LaJuana Case mark off a sheet. 3. FACULTY members receive instructions from Superintendent Perry !;"""....'. Mason. 4. PLOTTING the graph of an equation, Algebra 11 students utilize the Academy's computer terminal. 5. AMERICAN HISTORY teacher Ruth Am NotWoocl Physical Education Cathy Yernon Business Browning quizzes her students- on current events. 6. SEARCHING for a book, Patti McKinney investigates the paperback stand. 7. "SKITCH" Henderson acknowledges a student's Question. 8. PHYSICS students determine the bouyant force on a sample of submerged copper. H.old Norwood larry Richmond Coach Coach Patti Williams Ray Wright Speech Music FACULTV / 285