1975-1976 Yearbook

3 4 5 75 mens gymnasitics state meet is won by Harding gymnasts The gymnastics club has been involved on a modified scale for 8 years. The men's team won the men ' s state meet in 1975. The women's team gained strength and reached a competitive level. 1.1976 GYMNASTICS CLUB. FIRST ROW: Warren, Fournier. SECOND ROW: Smith, Savage, Brown, Scarbrough, Cash, Boyd, Kariya, Maxwell, Duncan. THIRD ROW: Coach Bailey, Kevin Davidson, Hansen, Keith Davidson, Davis, Blevi ns, Lehman, Rampton , Andrews, Prather, Lemon. 2. COMPLETING her routine on the yneven parallel bars, Dixie Smith dismounts. 3. ROUTINE muscle stretching and loosening exercises keep gymnasts agile and loose. 4. AIRBORNE Rick Blevins springs on the trampoline during a routine . 5. COORDINATION and strength is important as Bill Rampton and Keith Hansen balance on the parallel bars. GYMNASTICS / 273