1975-1976 Yearbook

• , 3 2 1. SCIENCE CLUB. FIRST ROW: Eads, Jones, SECOND ROW: Barnes, La Fevers, Morris, Meade, Johnson. THIRD ROW: Reed, Brown. 2. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE CLUB. FIRST ROW: Thompson, Barnett, Hodges, Elgy, Kelley. SECOND ROW: Estes, Cruce, McClain, Cravens, White, Reeder, Ivy, Greer. 3. HELPING in the Hot line program, Dorothy Norris listens to a caller's problem. Opportunity given to science, pre-med students to excel The Student Nursing Association worked to acquaint future nurses with the many sides of nursing, as well as to promote public interest in nursing. The members participated in the annual blood draw, attended the State Student Nurses Association meeting in Little Rock, and provided a hypertension screening for the general public. Members of the Pre-Med Club attended the National Medical Missions Seminar in Memphis in October. Dr. Robert Bowling, dean of admissions at the University of Arkansas Medical School, answered questions about Medical School policies at the January meeting. The Science Club toured labs in Pine Bluff this fall to study the effects of certain chemicals on the environment . Throughout the year, programs pertaining to various aspects of research and science projects were presented to the club by members of the faculty. The activities of the Behavioral Science Club mcluded sponsoring the Hot Line all year, helping with fundraising for the Mental Health Association this spring, and volunteering services at the Sunshine School, the local institution for handicapped children. DEPARTMENTAL / 233