1975-1976 Yearbook

Varied talents and styles show musical diversity of groups With a spring break tour of Florida, Georgia and North Carolina highlighting the year, the Time of Day continued to spread the story of Harding College throughout America. The group added a violin to its instrumental repertoire as it mixed rock , popular and easy listening music in frequent performances. Campus events , youth rallies, college and high school performances constituted the main activities of the group. Performing for various social events such as banquets, youth rallies, civic organizations, and on college and high school campuses, Morningside enjoyed its third year of organization. Playing popular music, the group added an Americana medley along with barbershop music to it performances. The year was highlighted by trips to Texas, Illinois, and surrounding cities in Arkansas. 1. TIME OF DAY. Woodroof, Hicks, Miller. 2. DURING a practice session, Keith Davidson and Kent Smith prepare for an upcoming performance. 3. MORNINGSIDE. Ramotan, K. Davidson, Smith, Keith Davidson. 4. TIM WOODROOF, Chuck Hicks, and Don Miller add humor to their popular songs. 5. STRIVING for perfection, members of the Time of Day practice long hours. 216 / MUSIC GROUPS