1975-1976 Yearbook

Bands raise school spirit, entertain with concerts, tour area Half time festivities at home football games were highlighted by performances of the Bison Band. The band also sent a large pep unit to most outof-town games. Along with game performances, the band marched in three parades and presented an outdoor Christmas conce.rt on December 9 Major spring activities included a five state tour in February, the annual Pops concert , and a performance at the Awards Banquet in April. Also in April, the band combined with the choruses in a Bicentennial celebration. The band was directed by Dr. Eddie Baggett. Under the leadership of student director, Johnny Nash, the Pep Band added spirit to pep rallies and played during the Junior College Basketball Tournament in January. Among its other activities, the Pep Band performed on tour with the Bison Band and acted as an ambassador for the college in concerts at high schools in the area. t. BISON BAND. FIRST ROW: Beamon, Arnold, Hanna, Estes, Hood, Root, Clark, Finlay, Mallery, Davenport, Sewell, Derbin, Gay, Earnhart. SECOND ROW: Proffitt, Burcham, Russell, Yost, Romine, Smith, Gray, Reynolds, B. Hardman. Bandy, Bur· cham, Brookshire, Brooker, Whitaker, Monk, Bell, Privett, Lewis, D. Hardman, Hankins, Hamilton. THIRD ROW: Pritchett, Deaton, Inman, Morris, Klemm, Paul, C. Johnson, Russen, Temple, Goodin, Klippel, S. Johnson, Hester, J . Wolfe, Baker, Charlenburg, Shepherd, Smith, Church, Dalafave. Burrier, Biggs, Stewart, Cross, Schlosser, Dell. FOURTH ROW: Leroux, Sullins, Binns, Prather, Kennedy, Strother, Brown, Hebbard, Wallis, Hart, Nash, Baggett, Casey, Hurley, Adams, Vaughan, C. Wolfe, Studebaker, Medford, McEuen, Ritchie. 2. HER face marked with concentration, Wenona · Gray plays the bass clarinet during a Bison football game. 3. LENDING support to the Bisons, Brad Dell, Tony Stewart, and Rick Burrier join the band in rallying school spirit. 4. DR. EDDIE BAGGETT directs the Bison band during dedication ceremonies of the Olen Hendrix building. 5. TROMBONERS John Cross and Brad Dell march in formation during Homecoming festivities. 6. PEP BAND. FIRST ROW: Wallis, Beamon, Casey, Brooker, Morris, Pritchett, Davenport, Arnold. SECOND ROW: Charlenburg, Bell, Boyd, Stewart, Binns, Medford, Dalafave, Schlosser, Baker. THIRD ROW: J. Wolfe, Ritchie , C. Wolfe, Nash, Privett, Smith, Russell, Vaughan, Strother, Hester. 7. DURING half time performance, flutists march with the band. 8. DRUM players enthusiastically join in to support the Bisons. 9. TRUMPETERS aid in entertaining crowds at the Olen Hendrix dedication 10. LEARNING his music for the upcoming performance, Jerry Wolfe concentrates on the notes. 212 / MUSIC GROUPS