1. ADVISOR , Dr. Joseph Pryor 2. EDITOR, BUSINESS MANAGER, ADVISOR. Andrea Mannen, Mary Blake, Dr. Joseph Pryor. 3. EDITOR. Andrea Mannen. 4. BUSINESS MANAGER. Mary Blake. 5. ASSISTANT editor, Kim Moss, looks through yearbooks for additional ideas. 6. FOCUSING the camera for a picture is Dave Hogan, photographer. 7. ASSISTANT EDITOR AND ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER. Kim Moss and David Tucker. B. LOOKING through the classes file, Debbie Ramey and Melanie Hunter discuss copy for the section. 9. ACADEMICS section editor, Karynn Archer explains the procedure of page layouts to Patty Woods and Betsy Duhon. 10. STAFF. FIRST ROW, Hughes, Dobbs, Jackson, McMillin, Millirons, Whitaker, Martin. SECOND ROW, Walden, Metheny, Radcliffe, Hunter, Ramey, McHaney, Watson. THIRD ROW: Winters, Allen, Tatom, Davis. 11. ACADEMY section editor, Charles Murphy, reads over copy before submitting it to be printed. 12. MAKING plans for the social club section are editor Andrea Mannen, Jeannie Ezell , and Melanie Watson. 13. AMERICAN yearbook representative, John Clark, discusses the classes section with Robi Roberts and Jane Jackson. 14. MARK HAYES, sports editor, measures a layout before cropping a picture. 15. SECTION EDITORS. FIRST ROW, Ezell, Roberts, Moss. SECOND ROW, Buterbaugh, Hayes. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS / 209