1975-1976 Yearbook

From the time we are small children, we find those wh.om we look to as examples. These "hero figures" capture our respect, love, admiration, and devotion. We carry these feelings even to adulthood for those strong personalities who effect our lives. One such figure in the lives of many Harding students is Mr. Ed White. Mr. White, in addition to serving the students as English professor, is an active sponsor of Kings Men Social Club. An avid sports fan, he plays intramurals and serves on the athletic committee. In the community, Mr. White is on the board of the Searcy Optimist Club. He has donated eight gallons of blood to the Red Cross. He and his wife Evelyn have three children. It is the privilege of the Senior Class to dedicate the 1976 Petit Ed White . 16 / DEDICATION , y "',:"rr ,,(r ,., r """,,,,, ,,. "" ,,, ,f,,' rrr:",rr"r ~"",r' " ·.r."~'" I,r,'" "