1975-1976 Yearbook

~ ., 170/ PHI DELTA Phi Delta aids handicapped An outing to Blanchard Springs marked the beginning of a very busy year for the members of Phi Delta. Weekly devotionals with their brother club, Knights , helped bring the two clubs closer together. As a service project the two clubs also made weekly visits to Leisure Lodge. Activities highlighting the Spring semester were a float trip with Knights, a chapel program dealing with handicapped children, and a Spring Sing program entitled "Daisies." 1. N. Krape 2. B. Thomas 3. B. Duhon 4. K. Drews 5. P. Hinman 6. D. Bryan 7. L. Roll 8. K. Heitkemp 9. T. Huddleston 10. R. Ross 11. R. Jamieson 12. V. Dalton 13. K. Williams 14. K. Kennedy 15. J. Jackson 16. J. Hall 17. D. Hall 18. L. Burchett 19. E. Whisenant 20. C. Land 21. C. Putman 22. K. Boatwright 23. F. Cathey 24. R. Casey 25. J. Nusbaum 26. B. Cash 27. E. Tucker 26. M. Foster 26. J. Cash 30. K. Jeffery 31. J. Bryan 32. N. Stevens, beau 33. L. Turner 34. B. McGuffee 35. C. Gardner 36. D. White 37. J . Jamieson 36. S. Kuykendall 39. M. Howell 40. E. Goad 41. B. Respess 42. J. Wolverton 43. N. Cochran 44. O. Bland, beau