BUCKlEY, CHARLOTTE. Martin, TN. Special Educatian. Zeta Phi Zeta I, 2, 3, 4, Pres . 2. BURCH , GLORIA. Kinen, AL . General Home Ecanomics. Transfer from University of Alobamo . Oege 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice Pres . 2, Treas. 2; A Cappella Chorus I. 2; AHEA 4; Bison Boosters 1; Campaigns European 4; JOY 3, 4, Welfare Chairmon 3; Student Association 3; Cheerleader 4; Intromurols 3. BURNETT, CHERRY . Paducah, KY . Nursing. BURROFF, MARK . Ray tawn, MO. Bialogy. BURTON , KENNnH. Parkersburg , WV . Bible. Transfer from Ohio Volley College . Alpha Tau Epsilon 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4. BURTOH, STEVEN . Searcy, AR . Business Administration and Accounting . Mohican I. 2, 3, 4; Honor Student 1. 3, 4; American Studies 3, 4; Bison Bond 1, 2, Drum Maior 2; Stage Band I, 2; Young Democrats 1. BUSH, ROBERT. Searcy, AR. Special Education. Sigmo Tau Sigma I , 2; Alpha Chi 3, 4; Honor Student I, 2, 3, 4; Campaigns New Mex ico, Michigan , Texas , ~y 1, 2, 3; Young Democrats 2, Treas. 2; Intromurols I , 2, 3. BUTCHER, RHONDA. Searcy, AI. Accounting. Trial schedules help students to plan their prospective courses PREPARING for the coming semester, Deborah Bruning works out a trial schedule. BUTTERFIELD, BRUCE. Brookfield, WI. Bible and Mathematics. Transfer from Yorle. College. Gymnastics Team 3, 4. BYERS, KATHY. Arkadelphia, AR . Music Education. Regina I , 2, 3, 4, Pres . 4. CALDWELL, DONNA. Searcy, AR. Special Education. Transfer from Freed-Hordemon Conege. CALDWELL, KATHLEEN . Nevada, MO. Art . Transfer from University of Arle.onsas at l itt le Rock . Alpha Psi Omega 2, 3, 4, Business Manager 3; Campus Players 1, 2, 3, 4. Sec.-Treos. 4; Art Guild 1. 2. l . 4. CALDWELL, THOMAS . Searcy, AI. Psychology. Transfer from FreedHordemon College. Alpha Tou 3, 4. CAMPBELL, DAVID . Seorty, AR. Social Science. Galaxy 1. 2, 3, 4, Pres . 4; Alpha Chi 3. 4; Best Actor 3; Class Officer 1; Dean' s List 1, 2, 3, 4; ACappello Chorus 1, 2, 3; Alpha Psi Omega 3, 4; American Studies 3, 4; Belles and Beaux 1, 2; Campaigns European 3, 4; Campus Players I , 2, 3, 4; Men' s Wing Counselor 3; Petit Jean Staff 1; Phi Alpha Theta 2. 3, 4; Resident Assistant 3; Student Association 3; Intromurals 1, 2, 3. 4, Football All-Star. CANNON, WILLIAM. Warrensburg, MO. Bible. Chi Sigmo Alpna 1, 2, 3; Delta Chi Omega Beau 4; Big Brothers 3, 4; Campaigns , louisiana 3; Chorale 3; Swimmi~ 2. 3; Tennis I , 2. 3, 4. CARAWAY , AMANDA. HOUlton, TX. Generol Business. Goto 1, 2, 3, 4; Bison Boosters 1. 76 / SENIORS