- Spare time gives escape from daily routines of school During the weeks filled with exams. term papers. and labs. the majority of Harding students found it necessau to find diversions from the montony of daily st udy. Bowling. pool, and television in the student center provided active means of re lief for some. while others preferred the pleasant escape achieved by simply sitting in a swing . on the lawn. or in the dorm rOOm. Handball courts, tennis courts, and the gym were popular places to "'get away from it all" if necessity did not lind those free moments at the laundry or in the library. 1. SKILLFULLY displaying his aptitude in pool, Charlie Howell prepares fo r a difficult shot while Bob Helton observes. 2. STEALING a few minutes from classes, Bob Weaver and Tina Sparks converse about the day's activities. 3. ESCAPING from campus grounds, one Harding student indulges in his hobby of cycling. . - 64 / LEISURE .,