Bre" Fon. BA, Admissions Counselor Paul Gordner. MS, Director of Annual Giving Ruth Goodwin, Relief Dormitory Director Cotherine Gould. BA, Sec., Dean of the College Betty Green. Sec ., Athletic Department Stalllley Green. BSE, Director, Publications Mary Groves, Sec., Natural Science Dill'. Corinne Hart , Mgr., Pattie Cobb Cafeteria Lynda Hayes , BA , Sec., Co-op Program Elizabeth Hibbard, MS , Director of Housing Chuck Y. Hich, BA, Artist , Publications W. G. Holleman, Supervisor of Mointenance loty Hopkins, Sec., Athletic Director Kayla Hyde. MA , Editorial Assoc ., Publications Vivian Hyde, Sec .. Harding Academy Mike James , as , Publications Ruby James, BS, Director, Stephens Hall Joyce Johnson, Sec ., Dean of Men James Jones, Sr., Dir., Recording Services Helen I Accountant Jean KeUy , Sec., Director of Research Marsha llo.he , Sec., Media Center Paula Langford, Sec., Admissions Office Hatel lomal , Manager, College Inn J. Mike lutos, BA, Asst. Dir., Media Center Therese McClurg, BS, Accounts Receivable Clerk Brenda K. McDaniel , BA , Sec., Dean of Women C. W. McDaniel , Manager, College laundry Dian McDaniel , BA , Sec., Deon of Students Dinah McDaniel , BA, Sec ., library Durwood McGaha, MY, Asst . Dir. of Admissions Sue McGaha, Accounts Receivable Clerk Lyne"e Managum, Accounts Receivable Clerk Mary O. Martin. Director, Pattie Cobb Hall lothleen Milner, Clerk, Post Office Sharon Ann Mitchell , Accounts Receivable Clerk Diana Morris , Sec., Student Personnel Office Jane Musick, Sec. , Accounting Office Richard Niswander, Security Officer Mary lOll O'Brien, Sec ., Nursing Deportment Edwina Pace, Executive Sec. to President 48 / STAFF