1974-1975 Yearbook

3 , New department organizes, Verlder appointed chairman Dr. Richard T. Hughes. a Harding graduate. delivered a series of lectures on "Intellectual and Cultural Backgrounds of the Restoration Movement in America," and Dr. Paul Faulkner spoke on "A Christian Looks at Psychology." as part of the SO-year anniversary celebration . The Department of Sociology and Social Services was organized with Dr. Billy D. Yerkler as chairman. and Dr. Jack Thomas joined the faculty to head the Department of Psychology. David Burks received the Ph. D. degree from Florida State University and was appointed chairman of the Department of Business and Economics. Robert Kelly returned from leave for doctoral study. 1. EXPERIENCE is the best way for Linda Arnold to learn the operation of the business machines. 2. SOLVING business problems on calculators are easier with the aid of Miss Karaffa. 3. HELPING Mr. O'Neal get his class tests prepared is a daily routine for the Placement Office Secretaries. SOCIAL SCIENCE / 45