1974-1975 Yearbook

Billy G. Brant, M.S. Rodger L. Brewer, B.A. Ava Conley, M.A. Instructor Associate Instroctor Assistant Professor Speech Engl ish Spanish Lynda B. ~aye., B.A. Alice K. Jewell, M.A. Joe f. McReynolds, B.A. Associate Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Instroctor French English English Betty T. Ulrey. B.A. Evan Ulrey, Ph.D. L. lugene Underwood, M.A. Instructor Professor English Speech 1. DECIDING good test questions takes time for Ed White. 2. EXPLORING the library she lves, Ava Conley and Dean Pryor find numerous Spanish reference books . 3. METHODS of speech presentations are taught by Morris Ellis. 4. TAKING time out for a break, Ne il Cope and Ga ry Elliott discuss class tactics. 40 / HUMANITIES Assistant Prafessor English l Neil B. Cope, Ph.D. J. Harvey Dyke., M.A. Gary D. llIioH, Ph.D. Moni. Ray Enil, M.A. Professor Assistont Professor Assistont Professor Instructor Journolism Speech Engl ish Speech Larry Menefee, M.A. Deui. Organ, Ph.D. Charle. PIHman, M.A. John H. R,an, Ph.D. Assistont Profes sor Assistont Professor Assistont Professor Associote Instructor Speech English English Speech Richard Walker, Ph.D. Iclward White. M.A. Dorothy Wright Winfred O. Wrilflt Professor Assistant Professor Dr. de l'Universite Dr. de l'Universite Speech English Associate Professor Associate Professcr French French