1974-1975 Yearbook

Kenneth Dovil , D.Mus. Professor Music EIiI_eth B. Mason, M.A. Professor Art Faye B. Doran, Ph.D . Assistant Professor Art (rle T. Moore, Ed.D . Professor Music Clifton L. Ganus III , D.M.A. Assistant Professor Music Mona Moore, B.A. Instructor Music Arkansas Orchestra lyceum concludes 50th • anmversary The 50th ann iversa ry celebration was concluded on December 6-7 with concerts featu ring the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and thecombined choruses of Harding College_ Music for the celebration pageant , "To Walk Upon a Rainbow," presented during homecoming , was written by Dr . Wi ll iam Holl away. Duri ng the summer. George Baggett and Cliff Ganus III completed their doctorates in music. Hard ing honored Dr . Hol loway wit h the 1974 Distingu ished Teacher Award . Ann Sewe ll had a seven-page piano li teratu re index published in the May issue of Clavier . 1. ENJOYING the autumn weather, Dr. Moore and lisa Parham discuss the musical program, "To Walk Upon a Rainbow." 2. DAILY practice gets Roy Nelms ready for the Homecoming Parade. 3. DISCUSSING the application of colors, Sheila Rhodes and Neil Swain become art critics. 4. EARLY morning music from the Pep Band get the Bisons on the road for another football game. , ,~) .. - Stanley B. Green, B.S.E. William W. Holklway, Ph.D. Jeffrey T. Hopper, B.l. Associate Instructor Music Instructor Art Paul Pi", M.A. Assistant Professor Art Associate Professor Music Don D. Robinson, M.A . Associate Instruc tor Art Ann R. Sewell, M.A. Assis tant Professor Music FINE ARTS / 39