1974-1975 Yearbook

Lois Brown, M.A. Assistant Professor Special Education Je"Buty, M.A. Assistant Professor Physical Educa tion Theodor. R. Lloyd, M.S. Associate Professor Physical Education Betty W. Watson, M.A. Assistant Professor Elementary Educatian Kathryn Campbell, M.A .T. Assistont Professor Physicol Educotion Mary Ann Malone, M.A. Instructor Education Murrey W. Wilson, M.S. Assistont Professor Elementary Education 1 3 Workshop expands faculty lmowledge on Bible teaching As the eight-year program of research funded by NASA ended_ Dr. Harry Olree began another research program on aerobics conditioning in cooperation with the Institute of Aerobics Research and Oral Roberts University. During the summer, Dr. Edward Sewell conducted a workshop on "Teaching Bible in the Public Schools," while Betty Watson directed another workshop on "Teaching Reading in Primary Grades." The special education program expanded to include a major in specific learning disabilities as well as a major in mental retardation. EDUCATION / 37