~40iJ1' -~- lJu flrmnrittm Sunset and evening star, . . And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, LETTY AMANDA RlS1NGER joined the Harding communi!, in 1955 when her husband, the late Harry B. Risinger, accepted the position of pilot of the college plane. Later Amanda joined the library staff of Harding College as a library assistant. Her two older children, Linda and "Bud," graduated from Harding College after graduating from Harding Academy. Her youngest child, "Mandy," was in the eighth grade of Harding Academy at the time of her death. Amanda was a sweet and gentle lady who was an inspiration to all who knew her because of her unselfishness and her strong faith in God. Although she experienced a long illness that required rather painful treatment, she maintained a cheerful attitude and bore her burdens without any complaint. She was devoted to her family and exemplified a dedicated Christian life, being a true helpmeet to her husband who was serving as an elder of the College church of Christ at the time of his death in 1970. Born on October 31, 1923, in Tucker, Ark., Mrs. Risinger died in Searcy on May 10, 1974, at the age of SO. Buf such a fide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell. And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell, When I embark; ERMA MORGAN WELCH began teaching speech and drama at Harding Academy in 1963 after teaching history in the public schools of White County for several years. Later she served as librarian at the Academy and coached the parliamentary procedure team that won six consecutive state championships and ranked high each year in the national meet of Future Business Leaders of America. She had started home following a rehearsal of the 1974 team when she suffered a fatal heart attack. Mrs. Welch was a loyal supporter of the Academy, attending most of the athletic events whether at home Or away. She was also active in the Associated Women for Harding and several professional organizations, inclUding the Arkansas Education Association, the Arkansas Library Association, and the White County Historical Society. Mrs. Welch made a home for her husband, William C. Welch, a prominent farmer in the Little lndian Creek Community near Searcy. Born in Searcy on May 1, 1905, Mrs. Welch died on Feb. 8, 1974, at the age of 68. For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place The flood may beor me for, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When 1 have crost the bar. -Alfred Lord Tennyson IN MEMORIAM / 381