Ted M. Altman, Ed.D. Karyt V. Bailey, Ph.D. Barbaro G. Barnes , M.A.T. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Physical Education Physical Educat ion James f. Carr, Jr. , Ed.D. Edith R. Clcrl, M.Ed. Professor Assistant Professor Education Elementary Education Wilton'. Martin, M.A. Jerry Mote, M.A.T. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Physical Educotion Physical Education 1. PROTECTING the anticipated fans, Mr. Beck places a fence around the f lag football field for the night's game. 2. SKillFUllY, Coach David Elliott shows Barbara Hoover how to return the tennis ball. 3. SLEEPilY, Mike Purdom continues his study in the libra ry cove. 36 / EDUCATION Assistant Professor Physical Education Bobby L. Coker, Ed.D. Associate Professor Education Harry D. Ofree, Ed.D. Professor Physical Education Jerome M. Barnes, Ed.D. Associate Professor Educat ion Bob J. Corilin, M.Ed. Associote Professor Physical Educotion C. John Prock, M.T. Associate Profes sor Physical Education Cetil M. 8eck, M.A. Associate Professor Physical Education EIiJ.abeth P. Dykes , M.S.L.S. Reference librarian Arnokt E. Pylkos, M.A. Assistant Professor Physical Education Winnie E. 8ell, M.A.L.S. Shiriey A. "",,,,, M;,'" Assistant librarian librarion David Elliott, M.A .T. Instructor Physical Education Nyol D. Royse, Ed.D. Professor Education .'