World Missions Workshop attracts over 1,500 guests Unde r the directi on of Ed Sanders. a two-yea r Chri sti an Communicati ons Program bega n with 33 student s enroll ed . Th e fall lectureship . under the di rection of Dr . Nea le Pryor . developed the theme. " Behold He Cometh. " On November 1·3 . the World Missions Work shop a t t r acted a bo ut 1,500 guests. Don Shac kelford directed 75 student s 0 11 20 campa igns in Europe, and L. V. Pfeiffer directed 30 students on a campa ign to Brazil. Jack McKinney. Avon Malone. and Pa u l Pol la rd jo in ed th e Bibl e Department in the fall. James R. Allen. M.R,E,. D.Hum. James D. Bales , PH.D. Associa te Professor Bible E. Conard Hoys , B.D. Professor Bible L. V. Pfeifer, M,Th. Assistant Professor Bible 34 / BIBLE Professor Bible Robert l. Helsten, M.A. Associa te Professor Bible PQul Polknd . M.Th. Assistant Professor Bible hertt Hufford, M.A. Visi ting Professor Bible and Missions Heale T. Pryor, Th .D. Associate Professor Bible Allan L. hom, Ed.D. Jerry l. Jones , Th.D. John T. McKinney, M.A. Avon Malone. M.A. Associa te Professor Associa te Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Bible Bible Greek Bible Ed Sanders, M.Ed. Jaek Wood Sears, Ph .D. Donald Shackelford , B.D. Will Ed Warren, B.A. Assistant Professor Professor Assistont Professor Associote Instructor Bible Bible Bible Bible