1. FOURTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Bailey, Spearman, Kelly, Adams, Curry, Rowan. SECOND ROW: Lauen, Loftin, Smith, Coker, Woodroof, Woody, Ozbirn. THIRD ROW: Sears, teacher, Alexander, Shirley, Grow, Gould, Sims, Jones, Story_ 2. TAKING time out for lunch, fourth graders welcome a break in the school day. 3. THIRD GRADE. FRONT ROW: Barnes, Thomas, Cox, Treat. SECOND ROW: Lawson, teacher, Reynolds, Priest, Parsons, Davis. THIRD ROW: Daughety, Crouch, Corbin. FOURTH ROW: Barden, Banks, Ballinger, Bailey. 4. PLAYING jacks enlivened recess for Melita Diles and Chris Jones. 5. SECOND GRADE, FRONT ROW: Reynolds, Brown, England, Beavers, Alston, teacher. SECOND ROW: Diles, Campbell, Jones, McDonald. THIRD ROW: Curry, Smith, Henderson. FOURTH ROW:.Rudolph, Burks, Meirose. 6. FALL FESTIVAL spooks display their winning costumes. 7. FIRST GRADE. FRONT ROW: Bryant, Farrar, Anderson, Parsons. SECOND ROW: Stine, Felt, Corder, Altman, ShaCkelford, Winters, Tate, Thomas. THIRD ROW: Blue, teacher, Norwood, Rowan, Smith, Flippin, Choate. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / 335