Returning starters bolster versatile basketball team With the help of four of last year's starters - John Daniel, Jeff Payne, Cam Prock, and Bryan Williams - the Wildcats played good, tough basketball throughout the season. Although the record of the 'Cats was not as good as expected, the Wildcats played top-class teams to the wire. Hustle and defense were stressed by the coaches and wete carried out to the fullest in the games by the players. Reaching the semifinals oIthe White County tournament, senior Cam Prock and sophomore Kevin Webb were selected for the all-tournament team. 1. SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL TEAM: FIRST ROW: Jernigan, Clark, S. Smith, Green, Burkett. SECOND ROW: Coach Norwood, Walace, Belcher, Webb, Posey, KUhnl, Sexton, Coach Felker. THIRD ROW: Daniel, Garner, Prock, Williams, Wheeler, W. Smith. 2. FREED from defenders, senior Al Sexton pumps the ball from the baseline. 3. DURING a time out, the Wildcats huddle around Coach Norwood for directions. 4. WARMING up before the game, Cam Prock improves his shooting skills. 5. LOOKING for a teammate, senior Chuck Posey sets up the offense. 6. PUTTI NG in two more, sophomore Randy Kiihnl outmaneuvers three Judsonia defenders. 7. GOING in for a layup, senior John Daniel drives past an Augusta defender. 8. SHOWING his form, sophomore Kevin Webb puts in two points for the Wildcats. SENIOR BASKETBALL I 327