1974-1975 Yearbook

Junior Wildcats' leadership creates • • WInnIng season Leadership played an important role in the Junior Cats' progress. In practice as well as on the field, the spirit of the team was attributed to strong character. After the Wildcats' season ended, the coaches were proud of the effort put forth by the players. Coach Larry Richmond felt his team had accomplished a great deal by putting together a 5-1 season. Losing only one game, the Cats showed strength by coming back from a loss and winning the last game of the season. While the team was well coached and efficient, school support played a major role in their success. 1. TURNING on the speed, Mike Peacock gets outside of a Cotton Plant Defender. 2. HOPING to score six more for the Wildcats, Roy Barnes breaks into the open after a good block by David Daniel. 3. JUNIOR HIGH FOOTBALL TEAM: FIRST ROW: C. McKinney, Barker, Aaron, Musick, Langford, Berry, Spurlock, Burkett, Barry, Pryor, Kelly, Ballinger, Ozbirn, Malone, Walker. SECOND ROW: Coach Richmond, Coach Alston, Warren, Muncy, Jernigan, J. Daniel, Reynolds, Lloyd, Rick, Reynolds, Eads, Barry, Posey, Clay, Roberts, B. Smith, Green, Burkett, Allen, Shirley, McGaha, Isom, Coach Barden. THIRD ROW: Coach Barnes, B. Barnes, Ulrey, Bresheres, Drennan, Beavers, Peacock, D. Daniel, Coach Felker, Wright. Campbell, White, Ken, S. Smith, Rich, Reynolds, R. Barnes, Gould, M. McKinney, O'Brien, Farrar, Coach Norwood. 4. STRESSING positive attitudes and hustle, Coach Richmond talks to the team at half time. 5. BUILDING technique, Coach Felker instructs a tired team at half time. 6. READY to turn upfield, Mike Peacock awaits the arrival of a pass. 324 / JUNIOR FOOTBALL