Christian concern involves Altman in Holland campaign TED M. ALTMAN, EdD, Dean of Students, implemented the objectives of Harding College by working closely with student leaders and maintaining good rapport with the student body. To increase his professional background, he attended the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Personne l Administrators. During the summer of 1974, Dean Altman served as director of the international campaign group that spent three weeks in Holland. 1. USE of IBM equipment expedites work for Mr. Beckett . I~ -- Registrar reduces long lines during registration week VIRGIL M. BECKETT, BA. completed 15 years of service to Harding College as Registrar by supervising the enrollment of a record number of students. He streamlined registration procedures and microfilmed the academic records of former Harding Students. During the fa ll , Beckett served as a member of the Steering Committee for the North Central Self-Study. 28 I DEAN OF STUDENTS; REGISTRAR " 2 -- _.- ...--' - -- -- --