1974-1975 Yearbook

Concerned faculty aids student body in school events Exhibiting a unique dedication to educate, Harding Academy's faculty strove to teach those who were willing to learn. Both inside and outside of the classroom, each teacher reached out to draw the faculty and student body closer together. In addition to teaching academic facts and figures, facuIty members attempted to teach the students the principles of Christian living by example as well as by word. The enthusiasm of the teachers was demonstrated in their participation in the many school events. Teachers who were new arrivals found the more experienced c'olIeagues ready to lend a helpful hand. 1. EXERCISING her new duties as librarian, Miss Ruth Browning shelves books. 2. TAKING a few minutes to relax, Mr. Ed Land catches up on the news. 3. PAUSING for a moment in the office, Mrs. Ann Norwood checks over the order form for the new cheerleading outfits. 4. BETWEEN answeri ng questions. Mrs. Clark catches up on some paper grading. 286 / FACULTY