Tucker supervises Science Building renovation plans LOTI R. TUCKER. JR.. BA. Vice President for Finance and Business Manager. directed the fund drive amone business men of Searcy in Phase III of the Development Program where more than $SSO.OOO was pledged. He was a member in the Searcy Chamber of Commerce, in the Searcy Kiwanis Club, and in the Searcy Federal Savings and Loan Association. Tucker supervi sed the renovation of the Old Science Building and the construction of the new GymnasiumPhysical Education Ce nter. During the yea r , he also made a number of trips to Dallas, Washi ngton. and other cities to visit vari ous foundations and government offices . 1. GRATEFULLY, Lott Tucker presents the Lightle family with a colleQe certificate for their participation in the school fund drive. 2. OBTAINING materials requested by the building blueprints is often a costly job for Lott Tucker and Roy Sawyer. 26 / VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE