1. Terry 2. Stockton 3. Miller 4. Seawell 5. Shultz 6. Clifford 7. Lively 8. Eversol 9. Walker, Sponsor 10. McCoy 11. Orr, Queen 12. Stowe 13. Saute 216 / SIGMA PHI OMICRON Club helps Sunshine School Sigma Phi Omicron began its second year on Harding 's campus participating in all campus activitiy. The club's 17 members collected $867 in a roadblock held in the Searcy area. They donated the money to the Sunshine School, a local school for retarded children. Besides aiding local charities, Sig Phi members participated in all small club sports competition. The club also had a high percentage of participation in the Speech Arts Festival. Included in their plans for the second semester was a banquet to be held in the late spring.