1974-1975 Yearbook

1. Terry 2. Stockton 3. Miller 4. Seawell 5. Shultz 6. Clifford 7. Lively 8. Eversol 9. Walker, Sponsor 10. McCoy 11. Orr, Queen 12. Stowe 13. Saute 216 / SIGMA PHI OMICRON Club helps Sunshine School Sigma Phi Omicron began its second year on Harding 's campus participating in all campus activitiy. The club's 17 members collected $867 in a roadblock held in the Searcy area. They donated the money to the Sunshine School, a local school for retarded children. Besides aiding local charities, Sig Phi members participated in all small club sports competition. The club also had a high percentage of participation in the Speech Arts Festival. Included in their plans for the second semester was a banquet to be held in the late spring.