1. T. Reynolds 2. M . Zenchovich 3. B. Conley. Sponsor 4. W. Moseley 5. J. Martin 6. M. Caldwell 7. J. Reynolds 8. A. Zenchovich 9. A. Conley. Sponsor 10. D. Mosely 11. P. Martin 12. T. Martin 13. S. Caldwell 14. C. Caldwell 15. Kirk Davis 16. L. Phillips 17. R. Ford 18. C. Thompson 19. A. Anderson 20. 8 . Anderson 21. J . Suit 22. 8 . Phillips 23. J . Ford 24. D. Thompson 25. N. Anderson 26. G. Anderson 27. S. Suit 28. J. Conley 29. A. Martin 30. R. Martin 31. C. Thompson 32. A. Thompson 33. C. Ford 34. J. Ford 35. R. Anderson 36. R. Anderson 37. J. Suit 38. J. Davis 214 / THETA ALPHA GAMMA TAG enjoys family activities The family being the center of their activities. Theta Alpha Gamma began the year by recruiting married students in the reg istration tine. The families enjoyed several picnics to local nature sites and to the Wilson Farm. The couples enjoyed one night out without their children and had dinner at Stockhomes in Heber Springs. The club. which is designed to meet the needs of married students. sent children to camp by having garage sales. The men of the club participated in club bowling. The club also produced a Spring Sing program entitled "Farms" for the 1974 show.