1974-1975 Yearbook

1. Ijams, Beau 2. Knopf 3. Terry 4. Wilburn 5. Feeler 6. McKinney 7. Garrott 8. Rhodes 9. O'Keefe 10. Cole 11 . Shores 12. West 13. West 14. Kinder 15. Emery 16. Eudaly 17. Rix 18. Musgrave 19. Wall 20. Cheney 21. Markley 22. Bowen 23. Knopf 24. Gilooly 25. Kuble 26. Phillips 27. Fontenot 28. McClain 29. Pitts, Beau 30. Harris, Beau 31. Watts 32. Petty 33. Foshee 34. Humphrey 35. May 36. Magee 37 . Priddy 38. Markley 39. Nance 40. Huckabee 41. Lucas, Sponsor 42. Lucas 43. Bates 44. James, Sponsor 45. James 46. James. 212 / KAPPA PHI Club wins fall sports events Kappa Phi's 22 pledges joined in club activities as the club swept tirst place in softball and voll eyball competition . In addition, the club enjoyed a skating party and a bunking party during the fa ll semester. As service projects, the club visited the old folks home twice a month and participated in the Toy and Dolly Drive. Kappa Phi planned a spring banquet at Big Daddy's in Batesville and presented a Spring Sing program on patriotism. Exemplifying their motto, "Noble deed is a step toward God," Kappa Phi's found fultillment in their act ivities as a club.