1974-1975 Yearbook

Club places 1st in volleyball In its second year, Shantih's membership enlarged as 24 slugs went through the trials of pledge week. bringing the c1ub's membership to 4S coeds. They participated in all club sports, placing first in volleyball and third in softball. As their service project, Shantih elected to support a worker at Camp Shiloh over the summer months. During the fall semester. Shantih members had an all day outing at Camp Tahkodah hiking. playing games, and getting better acquainted. During the spring semester, the girls held their formal banquet at the Taj Mahal in Little Rock. 1. Burkett 2. Prince 3. Kritz 4. Whitefield 5. Weddle 6. Glass 7. Miners 8. Tipton 9. Gibson 10. McDonald 11. Vawter 12. Pulara 13. Smith 14. Holloway 15. Choate 16. Kinnard 17. Privett 18. Baird 19. Moore, Sponsor 20. Bawcom, Sponsor 21. Dooley 22. Powers 23. Altman, Beau 24. Gates 25. Waller 26. Smith, Beau 27. Cox 28. Sowell 29. Hendrix 30. Callarman 31. Long 32. Schuster 33. Rogers 34. Jolliff 35. Groover SHANTI H / 211