1974-1975 Yearbook

1. Stoner 2. Fox 3. Confer 4. little 5. Keelin 6. Shock 7. Jones 8. Welborn 9. Lovell 10. Paulton 11 . Geiger 12. Pramar 13. Shackelford, Sponsor 14. White 210 I SERVANTS Servants founded for service "To live. to love, to be, to die ... like Jesus" was the goal of Harding's newest club. Servants. Dedicated to the service of others. members were part of the big sister's program and were active in local bus ministries. The girls helped each other to grow spiritua ll y through group discussions and devotionals . Formed by a group of girls who met regularly for devotionals, they decided to open their group to those who had similar interests. Servants presented a Spring Sing program entitled "Peace. Hope. and Love" to express the ideas upon which their club was founded.