1974-1975 Yearbook

KD's adopt new club colors Arrayed in new colors of blue and gold, Kappa Delta's 44 members started the school year out with an outing to the Little Rock Zoo along with the family they had adopted, Club members remembered their adopted family during the year and presented the children with stockings at Christmas time, The club members kept busy with'a fall hayride and numerous sports competitions. Members demonstrated their talents by presenting a Country Western chapel program second semester and Spring Sing intitled "Minstrel Show." Guided by their motto "Pure love is undefiled before God," the club had devtotionals which strengthened and unified the spiritual ties among the coeds. 1. l. Bradley 2. Benge 3. Freeman 4. Vernon 5. Roberts 6. Hamm 7. Bledsoe 8. Moore 9. Maxwell 10. Horton 11 . Powell 12. Barnett 13. Denise Cates 14. Debbie Cates 15. Spillman, Beau 16. Crouch, Sponsor 17. Scheider, Beau 18. Addison 19. Shroades 20. Blankenship 21. McCormick 22. Epton 23. Copeland 24. Potter 25. Weddle 26. Harris 27. Hollingsworth 28. Stanage 29. Gray 30. Jamieson 31. Wilkinson 32. McGee 33. Schnieder 34. Spillman 35. Hammond 36. S. Bradley 37. OeCocq 38. Walker 39. Jenkins 40. Collins 41 . Myers 42. Nagle 43. Gay KAPPA DELTA / 209