1974-1975 Yearbook

1. Terry 2. Hall 3. Hershey 4. Feathers 5. Puckett 6. Luye 7. Foshee 8. Galloway 9. Peebles 10. Kimmel11. Reed 12. Estes 13. Wilson 14. McKay 15. Mallery 16. Burns 17. Harlow 18. Barber 19. A. Smith 20. Brown 21. Odell 22. Betts 23. Jackson 24. Fish 25. Adams 26. McVey 27. Lay 28 Cope 29. D. Smith 30. Kennedy 31. McNew 32. Bartholomew, Sponsor 33. Ezell 34. Hurst 35. Blair 36. Dooley, Beau 37. Seiser, Beau 38. Thomas 39. Staggs 40 McVey 41. Mick 208 / DELTA THETA EPSILON Club serves Orphan's Home Adorned in green night caps. the Delta Theta "Scunges" joined the club with enthusiasm. The club members spread cheer with Christmas baskets. helping Albuquerque Children's Home and adopting grandparents at Leisure Lodge. Helping the community and themselves. the girls had a 90 percent turn out for the Red Cross BIQod drive. Delta Theta's good works were an example for the entire campus. "Being friends" was the theme of Delta's Theta's fall banquet at Big Daddy's in Batesville. The 48 members enjoyed a picnic, weiner roast and Christmas party during the first semester and kept busy second semester with Spring Sing rehearsals about "Time" and sports competition.