1974-1975 Yearbook

Book exchange aids students TNT began the school year by initiating 22 new pledges. The Club began working hard on their Spring Sing program. "Guys and Dolls." In the sports realm, TNT's B-team placed second in football, and third in volleyball. The club showed concern for others by sending two boys to camp, roofing a Wylde~ood building, and by being crossing guards on Sunday mornings to help protect youngsters. They also ran the SA Book exchange, a project many students appreciated. A highlight of the year was TNT's banquet in February. Its theme: "With love from above for all," brought the members closer together. 1. Augsburger 2. Stockstill 3. Sterling 4. Baur 5. Mason 6. Wyre 7. Woodhouse 8. Showalter 9. Burratt 10. Goff 11 . Collins 12. Jackson 13. Harrod 14. Teffertiller 15. Gibson 16. M . Troner 17. Wolford 18. Ramburger 19. McCormack 20. Petty 21 , Fowler 22. Black 23. Gates 24. Hooten 25. Wiles 26. Daugherty 27. Davenport. 28. Gable 29. White 30. Harris 31. Sikes 32. Temme 33. L. Trotter 34 . Harding 35. Price 36. Jenks 37. Porter 38. Alexander 39. Cave 40. Sparks 41. J. Trotter 42. Barnett 43. Hopper 44. Cooper 45. Kirksey 46. Neller 47. Knox 48. ,Dowdy 49. McReynolds. Sponsor 50. Martin 51. Wilson 52. Istre 53. Ganus 54. K. Neller 55. Ballard 56. Capshew 57. Holloway, Sponsor 58. Pryor, Sponsor 59. Therrio TNT / 205