1974-1975 Yearbook

1. Kutz 2. Hoover 3. Phelps 4. Case 5. Grant 6. Blackwell 7. Crews 8. Miller 9. Richardson 10. Backman 11. Chaffin 12. Partain 13. Davis 14. Woods 15. Lewis 16. Robbins 17. Reynolds 18. Olree 19. Muncy, Sponsor 20. McKee 21. Baur 22. Oakley 23. Nix 24. Sowders 25. Olbricht 26. Martin 27. Hunn 28. Pryor 29. T. Kirchner 30. McMennamy 31. Palmer 32. Teffertiller, Beau 33. Fowler, Beau 34. White, Beau 35. Barnett 36. Moser 37. Nesbitt 38. V. Kirchner 204 / ZETA RHO Zeta Rho backs brother club After the 22 Zeta Rho Zugs officially became members of the club, one of the first club functions was a fall banquet he ld at the Wyldewood Retreat Center. Along with their brother club. TNT, Zeta Rho collected the most canned goods at Halloween. and the two clubs held devotionals together. Club members also enjoyed a Christmas party and a canoe trip in the spring. During the first half of the spring semester. club members kept busy planning their Spring Sing program "Guys and Dolls" which was presented with TNT.